Dating in old age is necessary for almost every third inhabitant of the planet, and there are many reasons for that: children grow up and begin to live their own separate lives, someone simply does not have enough of their circle of friends to fully realize their capabilities, someone is looking for their life partner, and someone is just bored.
There are many ways to meet people, even in old age.
The need for acquaintances lies in the very nature of man, because he is a biosocial being, and from this word it follows that he cannot exist without nature and society, to which he is accustomed, and in which he constantly lives.
The modern sphere of communication is replete with services, using which you can find yourself new like-minded people and acquaintances.
If earlier people got acquainted more on the streets, in parks and at meetings, then in this century it is easier to get acquainted on the Internet, despite the fact that there are many other methods.
The simpler the Internet? In the questionnaire, you can write whatever your heart desires, and reveal your true self only to those with whom you have been communicating for a long time and whom you trust; meet only with whom you want, and not with whom it will turn out.
In general, even the older generation is finding more and more advantages for themselves in Internet resources.