MAKE MONEY EVERY MONTH when you INVITE OTHERS to JOIN and Subscribe! You can earn a Referral Bonus EVERY month from each of YOUR paid Subscribers for as long as both YOU and YOUR referral maintains the minimum $3.00 Distributor Subscription or Choose a WebHosting Hosting & CrossPromote Combo Package ONLY $6.95 a Month: Subscribe HERE
FREE CPanel migration for ONE YEAR Subscription: ONLY $83.40 (includes 8GB RAM)
How many are in YOUR network?
Hundreds? Thousands? That could add up to Thousands of EXTRA dollars every month!
Use this extra money to buy a new car, boat or make a house payment - use the money for anything you want!
Did we say YOU could make a BONUS EVERY MONTH?
YES - WE DID say that! For as long as both YOU and YOUR referral maintains the minimum Distributor Subscription of $3.00 a month or $6.95 a month Web Hosting & CrossPromote PR Marketing Triple Package!
Clicky auto-locks YOUR ID into your referrals Registration form! Try it: Subscribe HERE
FIRST: Register - Subscribe HERE
SECOND: Start sending the FREE Sample Newsletter: http://clicky.buzz/public/newsletter that will auto insert YOUR ID into the Newsletter and then start promoting Clicky's Newsletter to your thousands of Network Connections!
YES! It's that easy!
Or Create YOUR own Newsletter using your Clicky ID!
Clicky wants to help YOU pay off your new car payment by rewarding YOU with Bonuses EVERY month!
Yes! That's right - And, if that wasn't enough, EVERY TIME YOUR referred Subscriber makes a purchase through our ClickyMegaStore - YOU earn MORE bonuses too - for as long as you and that person are both paid Subscribers!
In less than 10 minutes, you’ll be set up and ready to CrossPromote YOUR Business, Club or Products worldwide for FREE too! Subscribe HERE. Marketing made SIMPLE: One Post & CrossPromote FREE to OVER 200 venues including: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google + and others!
You can also Advertise YOUR Business or Products on Clicky too!
6 Month Advertising Special - ONLY $400 for ONE Ad
Advertising Specials for YOUR Business, Products or Services on #Clicky!
6 Month Special: $450 includes 4 rotating ads & We CrossPromote YOUR ad to 3 Twitter Accounts, LinkedIn and Google+
4 Months Advertising - ONLY $350
12 Months Advertising for ONLY $600
$150 a Month or Buy 2 Months and get the 3rd Month FREE
Limited Time Opportunity
A BASIC Subscription plan starts as low as: $3.00 a month. In addition to FREE access to Clubs, Games, Chats, ClickyStore - you get:
- Audio/Video Webinar/Seminar Calling
- Video Product Broadcasting
- Audio & Video Broadcasting
- Resume Video Broadcast
- Sharing Writable Whiteboard
- Screen Share Collaborative Documents
Clicky: The All-In-One Social Media Networking, Business & Product Marketing, Video Broadcasting and Click2Call Platform
CrossPromote YOUR Business, Products, Services, Marketing and Advertising using Video Broadcasting & the ClickyStore!
Built in CrossPromote Click ‘n Share “Public Relations” tools
- Exclusive Internal & External Email System
- Promotional Badge
- Ready Made PR Newsletters
- Registration ID Tracker - locks in your Referrals
- SAVINGS & BONUS Rewards Program
- VIP Elite includes: a Business IP, Private Emails and a CPanel
- VIP PRO includes an elegant layout and design for your Business or Club Newsletter
ALL the necessary apparatus for YOUR Business in ONE convenient location!
Clicky’s global Click2Call Webinar Conferences & Chat combines: Shared Video, Shared Screen, Writable & Editable Whiteboard for Attachments, Broadcast Announcements with the BEST Built-in Email & Marketing PR System – second to none, effortlessly merging YOUR Newsletters, Calendar, MAPS, Invites and Events with real time Updates & Notices! Sample Newsletter: http://clicky.buzz/public/newsletter Or Create YOUR own Newsletter using your Clicky ID!
Clicky auto-locks YOUR ID into your referrals Registration form!
Marketing made Simple! One Post & CrossPromote YOUR Business, Club, StoreFront, Products, Events, Videos, Articles, Blogs, Jobs – just about anything with Clicky's VIP CrossPromote: Click ‘n Share Email and PR Newsletter System that helps you earn monthly BONUSES based on the size your Subscribed network referrals!
Want to Make Even MORE?
Would YOU like a $100k BONUS?
Do you have $10k, $25, or $50k?
If YOU had Ever WISHED that YOU were One of the LUCKY GROUND FLOOR INSIDERS of LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, EBay or YouTube, then NOW is YOUR chance to become an "insider" with Clicky!
Three categories are typically the most lucrative:
1) Banks = trillions
2) Social Media = billions
3) Real Estate = millions (if YOU’RE lucky)
For example: LinkedIn sold “as is” for 26B, Skype sold for 8.5B, EBay is worth 18B, Phone Companies - BILLIONS, YouTube 5B, MailChimp $170M, MATCH 194M, Twitter 30B, Facebook 190B
Clicky is ALL THAT combined and MORE!
2 Questions: How much ROI can you make from Real Estate using only $25K or $50k and How FAST?
Clicky includes an additional LONG TERM BONUS from $100k - $3M or More - depending on the program the Investor chooses.
Do YOU have non-performing assets?
An OLD 401k or Self-Directed IRA?
Want some FRESH air from those stale reports?
If so, try Clicky!
What is 1% of BILLIONS? What is 10% of Billions?
Did you know that 50% are DEMANDING an alternative to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google & LinkedIn?
Only $25K or $50k to Start!
Negotiate a Plan that works best for YOU!
Exciting update!!
Brad, a Mastermind Investor, is cashing in his assets from his current company to become one of our TOP Managers and part of the Clicky Family Community! (YOU can too!)
“I look forward to joining "Clicky"! I know that in 6 months I will secure funding to make it where Clicky will never do anything but increase in profits! Based on the projections I have done, I will personally see that within 10 years Clicky will be a 100 Million dollar company!” Brad
If you are a Subscriber, and INVITE others to join and subscribe to Clicky - you will make $1.00 every month for EACH new Member that you REFER and who also Subscribes to Click 'n Connect Clubs!
We will issue you a personal Account ID for this purpose. For more information, you can email us at: Clicky@Clicky.Buzz
Clicky is SERIOUS about FUN & INVESTING – that is why ClickyBuzz connects BOTH Social & Business together for a totally unique marketing experience! If you are interested in becoming a Clicky Sales Rep for our ClickyStore and/or our other Clicky products & marketing tools, just call or write Clicky at: 307.702.2582 or send your resume to: Clicky@Clicky.Buzz

NEWS FLASH: Coming soon: ClickyPhones!!
Ask about our TradeIn Program!
iClicky - Do YOU?!